쇼핑몰 검색

Advanced Biology 2nd Edition Student Notebook

Advanced Biology 2nd Edition Student Notebook 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

Item No 978-1-940110-38-7
ISBN 978-1-940110-38-7
판매가격 57,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Advanced Biology 2nd Edition Student Notebook (+0원)

상품 기본설명

상품 상세설명

This high-quality spiral-bound notebook is specifically designed to help your student make a successful transition to high school science. This homeschool resource will help them feel accomplished and be more independent, organized, and prepared.


The Student Notebook for Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology: The Human Body, 2nd Edition, a resource to complement Apologia’s homeschool high school human body course, is specifically designed to help homeschool students be independent and take responsibility for their science studies as they gain and maintain the personal abilities to create structure and logic through note-taking.

Student Notebook


Note-taking helps increase retention of information, review for tests, and produce a record of their thoughts as they connect the ideas presented in the textbook with their own ideas.

Additionally, a student notebook helps students keep a carefully organized, detailed, and complete lab notebook, recording labs they conducted using proper scientific methodology.

Taking good notes can make the difference between mastering a concept and not quite understanding it. Good notes provide the following advantages:

  • Students stay focused on what they are reading.
  • Students pay closer attention, which will increase their retention.
  • Students have their own version of the text to review for tests.
  • Students learn to connect new information to what they already know.

Apologia Student Notebooks are specifically designed to help students be independent and take responsibility for their science studies as they gain and maintain their personal abilities to create structure and logic through note taking.

The notebook contains:

  • A daily schedule
  • Note-taking pages
  • Instruction in the Cornell note-taking system Space to answer all study questions found in the textbook 
  • Lab report forms for each experiment in the text will help your student master the process of writing a complete lab report
  • Illustrations that are not found in the textbook which ensure that the student is indeed learning all that they can from their labs 
  • “Design Your Own Experiment” section walks students through the steps involved in designing and conducting their own experiments

About the Student Notebook author: Vicki Dincher holds a master’s degree in biology. Her four children, all homeschooled, have earned or are pursuing graduate degrees in the sciences. Vicki has taught high school science, including Advanced Placement courses, since 1995.

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